Sunday, 26 July 2015

Is there any connection between the report of 7th CPC and OROP announcement?

Is there any connection between the report of 7th CPC and OROP announcement?

“Is there any connection between the submission of report of 7th CPC to Central and the announcement of OROP to Defence Personnel?”

The 7th Pay Commission has announced through on its portal last month that the task was given by the Government to the commission will be completed within the time frame and the commission will submit its recommendations before September this year to Central Government.

Some believe that the two reports could be linked.

“The 7th Pay Commission is all set to submit its report to the Government before August 15.”

“The Prime Minister is expected to announce the implementation of OROP in his Independence Day address to the nation.”

According to unofficial sources, the 7th Pay Commission is going to submit its report to the Government before August 15. The fact that the commission has completed its work much ahead of its deadline is indeed commendable. This is the first time in the history of Pay Commissions that a Commission has completed its report ahead of its deadline. Pay Commissions are synonymous with arrears. Last time, 20-month arrears were paid in two installments. If the new Pay Commission’s recommendations are implemented on time, it would be another first – the first to not have any pending arrears.

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Expected DA from July 2015 and Jan 2016 – Simple Tool with input of AICPIN

Expected DA from July 2015 and Jan 2016 – Simple Tool with input of AICPIN

Expected DA from July 2015 – To wait for the month of June AICPIN data that will be released on July 31 to find out.

Expected DA from July to Dec 2015

What will the additional Dearness Allowance increase be from the month of July to Dec 2015? One has to wait for the AICPIN data for the month of June 2015 that will be released on July 31 to find out.

Central Government employees are not the only ones who are eagerly waiting to find out what the DA percentage hike will be from July to December 2015. Central Pensioners and employees of the banking sectors too are curious to know. Additionally, the employees are working under state governments are also covered in this circle.

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Friday, 24 July 2015

Incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet – CPAO Orders

Incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet – CPAO Orders

Preparation of list of Government servants due to retire along with their Aadhaar numbers and incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet






NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/Tech/Jeevan Pramaan/2015-16/515 to 662


Office Memorandum

Subject:- Preparation of list of Government servants due to retire along with their Aadhaar numbers and incorporation of Aadhaar number in PPO Booklet.

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Thursday, 23 July 2015

Bonus Issue – Report on detailed discussions and conclusions of 46th ILC

Bonus Issue – Report on detailed discussions and conclusions of 46th ILC 

Removal of Conditions on payment Ceiling eligibility Limits, Decisions to pay Minimum Bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus- The major conclusions emanating from the discussions in the committee are as follows:

The Conference committee on amendment of Bonus Act – Removal of Conditions on Payment Ceiling, Eligibility Limits. Decisions to pay Minimum Bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus constituted to discuss the Agenda item No. 3 of 46th session of the Indian Labour Conference met under the chairmanship of Captain Abhimanyu, Minister of Labour, Govt. of Haryana. Shri Om Prakash Mittal, General Secretary, Laghu Udyog Bharti (LUB) and Ms. Meenakshi Gupta and Mr. B.B. Mallick, Joint Secretary, MoLE respectively were the Vice-Cheirman and Member Secretary of the Committee. The Committee had the representation of all the stake-holders (Workers’ Group, Employers’ Group and State Government).

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LTC advance – 65 days before the proposed date of outward journey

LTC advance – 65 days before the proposed date of outward journey

Period for applying LTC advance

A Government servant can draw the Leave Travel Concession advance 65 days before the proposed date of outward journey.

Indian Railways has fixed the advance reservation period as 120 days excluding the date of journey w.e.f. 01.04.2015 for all long distance mail/express trains as well as Shatabdi Express trains.

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Sanction of prosecution of government officials

Sanction of prosecution of government officials

It is stated that total 100,10 & 9 requests have been received against IAS officers, CSS officers & CBI Gr ‘A’ officers respectively.

It is stated that total 66,8 & 6 requests were permitted during the period and prosecution was sanctioned against IAS officers, CSS officers & CBI Gr ‘A’ officers respectively. Year wise breakup is mentioned in the table below:

It is stated that all the aforesaid requests in which sanction for prosecution has been received are still under trial. Hence, there is no input for conviction, acquittal and discharge.

This was stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Avinash Pande in the Rajya Sabha today.

Source: PIB News

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Finance Ministry issued orders on upgradation of cities / towns on the basis of Census 2011 for the purpose of House Rent Allowance

Finance Ministry issued orders on upgradation of cities / towns on the basis of Census 2011 for the purpose of House Rent Allowance

The new and revised list of cities & towns has been declared by the Finance Ministry today for the purpose of House Rent Allowance on the basis of Census 2011.

House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees is now calculated on the basis of the population census of 2001. The cities and towns are classified as X, Y, and Z, based on their population. Employees in these towns are eligible for 30%, 20% and 10% House Rent Allowances respectively.

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7th Pay Commission contemplates to recommend the Compensatory City allowance again

7th Pay Commission contemplates to recommend the Compensatory City allowance again

Sources said that the 7th CPC may recommend the Compensatory City allowance in its report for Central Govt employees. Upto 5th Pay Commisson, CCA has been granted to all CG Employees and we all know that the 6th CPC has abolished. The NC JCM Staff Side strongly suggested in its memorandum to introduce again the CCA to submitted to 7th Pay Commission earlier. The unconfirmed sources said, the CCA will come with two criteria as granting in the 5th CPC.

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Status of Implementation of One Rank One Pension - Minister replied in Parliament

Status of Implementation of One Rank One Pension - Minister replied in Parliament today (21.7.2015)

Status of Implementation of OROP

The principle of One Rank One Pension for the Armed Forces has been accepted by the Government. The modalities for implementation were discussed with various stakeholders and are presently under consideration of the Government. It will be implemented once the modalities are approved by the Government.

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Monday, 20 July 2015

PM meets Trade Union Leaders

PM meets Trade Union Leaders

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today met leaders from various Trade Unions, over tea. The meeting followed extensive consultations that these leaders had with an inter-ministerial team headed by the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, earlier in the day.

The Prime Minister heard the views of the Trade Union leaders on various issues of interest to workers, including in areas related to economic policy, and related laws.

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India Working Class Unitedly Demands Change of Policy – Confederation

India Working Class Unitedly Demands Change of Policy – Confederation



On 26th May, The day Modi Government at the Centre completed one year in office, Workers National Assembly at the Mavlankar Auditorium in the National Capital, New Delhi, in one voice condemned BJP-led NDA Government’s anti worker, anti-peasants, anti-people and pro-corporate, pro-MNC one year’s rule and declared country wide united protests and resistance through General Strike on 2nd September 2015 against these policies and to pursue 12 points charter of demands.

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Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment – DoPT Orders

Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment – DoPT Orders

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg. No.F.No.11013/2/2014-Estt (A-III), dated 16.7.2015

Subject: Steps for conducting inquiry in case of allegation of Sexual Harassment

Undersigned is directed to say that during the meeting of the Chairpersons of Complaints Committees with Secretary (Personnel) on the 16 th April, 2015 it was suggested that the Department of Personnel and Training may prepare a step guide for conduct of inquiry in complaint cases of sexual harassment. Rule 14(2) of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 lays down that the Complaints Committee established in each Ministry or Department for inquiring into complaints of sexual harassment shall hold such inquiry as far as practicable in accordance with the procedure lain down in these Rules.

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Sunday, 19 July 2015

Retirement Age of Central Government Employees Controversy Begins Again

Retirement Age Controversy Begins Again

Retirement Age of Central Government Employees Controversy Begins Again

“Retirement age for Central Government employees is 60 years now. It was raised to 60 from 58 in 1998(Dopt order), when the then NDA Government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee”

Last year, there were rumours that the centre was planning to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62. This time, retirement age makes headlines one again that the superannuation age may be decreased to 58.

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Anna Hazare Prepares for Nationwide Protests for OROP

Anna Hazare Prepares for Nationwide Protests for OROP

Anna Hazare has announced that he will soon launch nationwide protests against the Land Acquisition Act and for the implementation of OROP.

The government under Narendra Modi is getting ready to make amendments to the current Land Acquisition Act and implement it. The new Bill was presented in the Parliament and passed. But, the upper house hasn’t yet cleared the Bill due to insufficient majority. The Bill has met with staunch opposition from the opposition parties, including Congress, and social activist Anna Hazare.

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16 Fascinating Facts About Icelandic History

Abraham Ortelius' map of Iceland, ca. 1590

I wrote the following commissioned piece for Come to Iceland, a new tour-booking and information website started up by my friend Stefán Gunnbjörnsson. 

He asked me to write content that had a slightly more interesting edge, so I did my best to add historical and/or little-known details to the articles included in the Nature section of the site. This piece on Iceland's history hasn't been published there yet as the company's still growing, so I thought I'd post it here and encourage you all to visit Come to Iceland and follow their Facebook page, and of course book through them for your next visit to our amazing island.

16 Fascinating Facts About Icelandic History

You thought you'd done you research on Iceland? Well, guess again. Here's a list of fascinating facts that you may have missed along the way:

1. Iceland was originally covered in forests as far as the eye could see. 
According to accepted history, a seafarer named Garðarr Svávarsson sailed around the entire island in the later 9th century and proclaimed that it was "wooded from the mountains down to the sea." 

Currently, about 2% of Iceland is forested. The Forestry Service of Iceland concurrs that at the time of settlement as much as 40% of Iceland was covered in trees. They were destroyed by both natural (volcanic) and human causes.

2. The Norwegian who arrived in Iceland around 870 AD were not first inhabitants. 
There is written evidence that Irish hermits, or papar, had settled the island at least a century earlier, sailing over in their smalll currachs. The story goes that the hermits chose to leave Iceland with the arrival of their noisy new neighbors, leving a number of monkish artifacts behind.

In addition, genetic research has clearly shown that over 60% of Icelandic women are descended from Celtic/British Isles stock, and not Scandinavian, though when and how these women came to Iceland is still up for debate. 

3. Via one Irish princess named Melkorka, it's possible for many Icelanders to trace their lineage to Irish kings as far back as at least 100 BC. 
Via Wikipedia (referencing the Chronicles of Ireland, among other sources) it's possible to click back through her ancestry thousands of years.

Thought to be mute, Melkorka (born around 910 AD) was bought from a Rus trader as a concubine by Höskuldur, one of the original settlers, and bore him a son, Ólafr. When Höskuldur's wife heard her singing to her son, she was confronted and confessed to being the daughter of Muirchertach, an Irish king, who later accepted Ólafr as his grandson.

4. The famed Icelandic sagas were written from 200 to 300 years after settlement era that they describe. 
Interestingly enough, this was the same period when the heavy internal fighting was taking place in the weakening Icelandic Commonwealth. 

There is evidence to show that the writers tried to give the sagas a realistic feel by, for example, dressing the main characters in period clothing as they assumed it was worn centuries earlier. This could be likened to a modern costume drama depicting, for example, the first British settlers to what was to become the USA.

5. Widows had rights and power in Icelandic society. 
Though women were ruled by men, and could by law be given to other men by their fathers, brothers and sons over 16 years of age, strong laws protected them. The Grágas book of laws from the early 12th century details punishments for offenses against women, and it was considered totally dishonorable for a man to violate a woman's rights or body in any way. 

More importantly, when a husband was away, or if a woman had been widowed, she gained rule over the homestead. The Sagas describe women who held behind the scenes power over the men in their lives, though they were not legally allowed get involved in politics or leadership. There are also stories of quite a few women with very active love lives and multiple lovers.

6. Icelandic pagans cut a deal when they finally accepted Christianity. 
When it was (reluctantly) accepted in 1000AD, three concessions to the pagan way of life were allowed to remain: the exposure of infants (they were left outside to die), the eating of horse meat, and the private worship of the old gods. These were all later rescinded, but last two are in effect again.

7. In-fighting amongst powerful chieftains, or goðar, broke up the original Icelandic Commonwealth allowing Norway to take over. 
Both greed amongst the ruling clans and bribery by Norwegian King Hákon caused blood fueds and power plays throughout the Sturlung Era in the13th century. Thousands of men died in battle, resulting in instability that left the island open for takeover by the king. 

So though the original settlers left Norway to create a more democratic society based on rule of law and the vote, it fell apart within 300 years bringing the Icelandic people right back to where they started: owned by a Norwegian king.

8. Two separate, devastating plagues killed half to two-thirds of the population of Iceland in the 1400s. 
Some estimates say that between 20 to 30 thousand people died in that century. First came the Black Plague in 1402, which in the course of two years decimated whole communities at a time. A second, unknown plague arrived in the later century killing off many of the survivors. 

Some records say that people died while carrying people to their graves, and were simply buried along with. Along with the fact that their new ruler, Denmark, (who took over from the Norway) had little need for their fish and wool, Iceland was fast-tracking to becoming Europe's poorest country.

9. For centuries, England and Iceland traded beer for sulfur (among other things.) 
Despite the lack of attention from their Danish rulers, during the "English Era" of the 15th century (and actually well beyond it) English merchant ships sailed to Iceland for goods, mainly stockfish (unsalted, air-dried fish, most often cod) but also wool, saltpeter and sulfur. In exchange they brought items like beer, honey, grains, sugar and fabrics, to name a few. 

In 1509, when Henry VIII gained the throne, his first act as king opened up free voyages to Iceland, 'considering that Fysshe and other Commodities of that Cuntre be muche behovefull and necessarie towarde the comen Weale of this Realme.' This trade most surely kept Iceland going during its harshest times. Henry's daughter, Elizabeth I, 'was not unmindful of the value of Iceland trade,' and it's said that during her reign the native Icelandic sheepdog was popular in court.

10. Almost all clergy and most powerful men in Iceland had multiple wives and many children.
Though absolutely forbidden by Rome, it was common practice for priests and clan leaders to "keep" women and have as many children as possible up to at least the Middle Ages. Their daughters were given to friends as goodwill offerings and as payment in business deals, and according to new research, girls often chose to join cloisters rather than be parceled out as gifts to much older men. 

A recent archaological find in Skríðaklaustur (article in Icelandic) in the east of Iceland found a priest buried with multiple women and children in his grave.

11. After bouncing back from the plague years, a quarter of the population of Iceland died again during the Laki eruption of 1783-84. 
Poisoned gasses and a thick constant ash cloud from the volcanic fissure destroyed nearly all vegetation and killed half of the livestock population (80% of sheep!). As a result, a quarter of the human population (estimated to be at that time around 50,000) died from poisoning and famime in the years that followed. The imapct of the eruption was felt as far away as Egypt and India.

12. In the 1800's a third of the population gave up on Iceland and moved west. 
By now a bleak, deforested, windwept island, Iceland had little to offer its people except more volcanic activity (including the Katla and Hekla eruptions, both located in the populated southern region) and sheep die-offs in the 19th century. 

A massive emigration to Canada and the northern US regions took place, and whole Icelandic communities were created which still exist today. Though nowhere near an easy life, these Vestur Íslendingar understood the harsh winters of the northern praries and were able to make the best out of their new country.

13. The Icelandic language was mapped out for the first time by a Danish man in the mid-19th century. 
Rasmus Rusk was a linguistic genius, having mastered at least 25 languages in his lifetime and written lengthy treatises on many of them, including Icelandic. He based his grammatics on a mysterious book, the First Grammatical Treatise, by an anonymous author of the early 1100's. 

This renewed interest in Icelandic as a unique language helped revive the literary heritage of the people, which had been lost after the era of Saga writing. After the plague, and for the next 400 years, basic survival was the most important thing. Rusk helped to shine light back onto the amazing literary history of Iceland.

14. Romanticism influenced the Independence movement in Iceland. 
The literary Romantic movement in Europe jump-started social change throughout the continent. Industrialization was creating a new middle class who were learning to read and write and to have an influence on the world around them, and poets and painters of the time encouraged a kind of returning to roots and to the land, for average people to retake ownerhsip of what God has given them: their country. 

Young Icelandic men who went to Denmark to study were ccoming home with ideas of independence, and a returning of the land to the Icelandic people who were then to care for it. A quiet but constant revolution took place during the mid-1800's, and by 1874 Denmark granted Iceland home rule. 44 years later, full sovereignty was given.

15. All of the trees in Reykjavik today were planted in the past 130 years. 
Old photos of midtown Reykjavik, including the area around the town lake, are almost completely devoid of flora. Reykjavik itself didn't start to really grow until the late 19th century, so it wasn't until that time that the city planners began to consider planting trees and gardens. A Horticulture Society was established in 1885, and since then has been instrumental in turning the capitol from a barren series of rocky hills into the green and blooming city seen today.

16. The vast majority of products and goods seen in stores today only became available in the last 25 years. 
Until the 90's it was hard to find more than just three kinds of cereal here (Cheerios, Corn Flakes and Coco Puffs.) The only kinds of pasta were macaroni, spaghetti and, rarely, lasagne. There were only two flavors of skyr: plain and blueberry, and only whole milk and undarenna, or whey. The only candy available was local Icelandic kinds and one type of chocolate from Poland: Prince Polo. Small shops were sprinkled all around, and in the neighborhood around Baldursgata, for example, were five shops, a bakery and a fish store until the late nineties. 

The past 25 years have seen a shocking explosion in both imports and local commodities on offer which some people have likened to the consumerization of Eastern Europe around the same time. There are stories of older folk who, until recently, had no clue what a cucumber was, or why a kiwi even existed. The move from a fairly insular welfare state to an international consumer society, as well as the late shift from rural to urban living, has changed the face of the country dramatically. Though hard to believe nowadays, until very recently Iceland was an extremely isolated, and in many ways innocent, culture with a very simple way of life.

Be sure to visit Come to Iceland, and like their facebook page!

A view of Stapafell mountain from the town of Arnastapi, with Snæfellsjökull glacier in the background.

Friday, 17 July 2015

7th Pay Commission Recommendations has begun to emerge!

7th Pay Commission Recommendations has begun to emerge!

“It doesn’t come as a surprise that even bits and morsels of information about the recommendations, which is being eagerly expected by nearly 50 lakh employees and pensioners, make headlines.”

The recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission have slowly started to make their way to the media in the form of unconfirmed news. The information that was being extensively discussed by all for more than a week now has finally made it to the websites yesterday.

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Thursday, 16 July 2015

Expected Date for Submission of 7th Pay Commission Report and its important recommendations – Sources

Expected Date for Submission of 7th Pay Commission Report and its important recommendations – Sources

As the 7th pay Commission itself declared that the work of compilation and finalization of the report is underway, it is the time for expecting the date on which the report will be submitted after it is finalized. The stipulated time for submitting the report is 18 months from the date of notification issued. In a resolution dated 28th February, 2014, Government of India has appointed the Seventh Central Pay Commission comprising Justice Shri Ashok Kumar Mathur as Chairman, Shri Vivek Rae as full time Member, Dr. Ratin Roy as part time Member and Smt. Meena Agarwal as Secretary

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NC JCM Staff Side suggested to 7th Pay Commission on House Rent Allowance for CG Employees

NC JCM Staff Side suggested to 7th Pay Commission on House Rent Allowance for CG Employees

National Council JCM Staff Side given suggestion on House Rent Allowance for Central Government employees as under…

The present scheme of HRA is based on the recommendation of the 6th CPC, which is as follows:

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Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by CSS officers – Dopt Orders on 16.7.2015

Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by CSS officers – Dopt Orders on 16.7.2015

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.21/2/2014-CS.I(PR/CMS), dated 16.7.2015

Subject: The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013- Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by CSS officers – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dalcd 9th and 23th April, 2015 regarding declaration of assets and

liabilities by CSS officers under the Lokpal and Iokayuktas Act. 2013 and to state that vide Notifications dated 27.4,2015 the last date ror filing of returns by public servants under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act. 2013 as on 1.8.2014 and as on 31.3.2015 has been extended to 15th October 2015.

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The Auschwitz Bookkeeper

I'm just about to fly off to Warsaw to lead a 2 week holocaust study trip. Therefore sorry for this very rushed flow of consciousness written on my iPhone! I just wanted to react to the Oscar Gröning "Bookkeeper of Auschwitz" case though as it's something I feel very strongly about:

Lots of people are apparently pointing out 1) he has "repented", 2) he came forward voluntarily to challenge holocaust deniers, 3) some are calling this "vengeance" rather than justice; 4) and of course he's extremely old.

They're missing a set of points.

1) and 2) These are relevant in law only to mitigation in sentencing, not to establishing culpability. What matters was whether he committed a crime then, or not. His subsequent behaviour might be admirable (I indeed think it is and he comes across as a good, decent person now) but that doesn't affect his involvement at that time. The court found he broke the law. 

He was facing 3-12 years and was sentenced to 4, ie right at the bottom end of the scale. The court therefore correctly applied the mitigating factors to reduce his sentence. End of debate. Christian bullshit about repentance and forgiveness of sins has no place in this legal discussion. He can take that nonsense up with "God" if he believes in one.

3) criminal law broadly has three  purposes: a) individual prevention of reoffending and rehabilitation, b) societal deterrence, and c) retribution. It's clear he won't be doing this again, so the first point here is irrelevant. In terms of societal deterrence however it sends out a message that even after 70 years those involved in genocide will be punished. Therefore this is good. Finally retribution (or "vengeance") is a relevant element of criminal law. It must not be the only motivating factor, but it does provide valid and necessary comfort to victims and it provides a sense of justice being done more widely. Again therefore this is good. 

4) I remember reading about a friendly Gestapo policeman in Cologne who helped an 89 year old German Jewish woman to her round up point by giving her a lift on the back of his  bicycle. She was deported to a ghetto in Poland where her life expectancy would have been days. Gröning's age now is utterly irrelevant to what he was part of back then, at least in terms of culpability (it might be relevant to sentencing). Old people and babies were murdered. He's had 70 long years of freedom and happiness that was denied to millions.

Another interesting point is the small cog in big wheel discussion. He didn't put people in gas chambers, but without the administration the camp could not have operated. As a book keeper, his exact job was to record the currency stolen from the murdered victims.  In his own words he witnessed the gas chambers and believed that the Jewish children murdered in them represented a danger to Germany because of "their blood". He chose this "cushy SS office job" voluntarily. The court found that the whole site was involved in mass murder, and therefore anyone involved was complicit in it. That's absolutely correct. 

Last of all it is never, ever, our place to forgive. We just literally do not have the standing as the wrong was not done to us. Only survivors can do that, or not, on a personal basis for the wrongs committed against them, and not against the other millions affected.  Our job as a society is to keep the memory alive and for our courts to deal with all these issues in a way set out by law. I therefore really welcome this. He will be accorded dignity and care in prison in Germany, which reflects the civilised society it has now become. The victims had no such fortune.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Grant of 30 percent HRA to Civilian Employees working at Ordnance Factory Yeddumailaram, Medak

Grant of 30 percent HRA to Civilian Employees working at Ordnance Factory Yeddumailaram, Medak

Grant of HRA/CCA at Hyderabad Rates to the Defence Civilian Employees working at Ordnance Factory Yeddumailaram (Medak) and Eddumailaram (Census Town), Medak

"Eddumailaram (Census Town) was declared / treated as Urban (i.e. Census Town) at 2001 Census..."

"In view of the above Department of Expenditure is requested to re-examine the whole issue in terms of the supporting documents stated in the Preceding Para and arrange to issue instructions to continue 30% HRA for the Defence Civilian Employees of Ordnance Factory Yeddumailaram (Medak) and Eddumailaram (Census Town), Medak".

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Monday, 13 July 2015

One Day Strike on 2.9.2015 & Indefinite Strike from 23.11.2015 – Confederation News with Charter of Demands

One Day Strike on 2.9.2015 & Indefinite Strike from 23.11.2015 – Confederation News with Charter of Demands


1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001

Website: WWW.



Dated - 13.07.2015



2015 NOVEMBER 23







Dear Comrades, The National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers was held at New Delhi on 12.07.2015. Affiliated organizations, General Secretaries of State Committees (COCs) and CHQ office Bearers attended the meeting. Com. K. K. N. Kutty, National President, Confederation, presided. After detailed deliberations for about six hours, the meeting took the following important decisions.


1. Confederation and all its affiliated organizations shall participate in the Nationwide one day strike on 2nd September 2015 as per the call of all Central Trade Unions and independent Federations.

2. Charter of demands on which the strike is being organised on September 2nd by Confederation shall include

(1) 12 point common charter of demands affecting all sections of the Indian working class and

(2) 10 point charter of demands of the central government employees formulated by the National Joint Council of Action.

(See Charter of demands attached – Annexure-I)

3. Intensive campaign should be conducted among all Central Government Employees by each individual organisation by holding General body meetings, conventions, office-to-office campaign and gate meetings. Notices, pamphlets and posters should be printed and circulated to all offices and employees. Wide publicity should be given through print and electronic media. All websites of affiliates shall exhibit the campaign details, photos etc.

4. Confederation CHQ Leaders shall visit all important centres throughout the country between August 16 to 31st and address Joint Conventions/meetings of the employees. Meetings should be organised by the state/District level units of the Confederation (C-O-Cs). Advance planning should be made by the C-O-Cs to make the campaign programmes of Al India Leaders a grand success, by ensuring maximum participation of employees from all affiliated organisations (Details of the campaign programme will be published in the website within two days.)

5. State/District Units of the Confederation shall plan and organize their own campaign programmes at state/District level.

6. Strike notice will be served by Confederation CHQ to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India on 11th August 2015. On the same day each individual affiliated organsiation of the Confederation should also serve strike notice to their respective Departmental heads. Demonstrations in front of all important offices should be held on 11th August 2015. Copy of the strike notice served by each organisation should be sent (email) to confederation CHQ.

7. All affiliated organisation shall make maximum efforts to ensure participation of maximum number of employees in the 2nd September strike. More than 10 crores organised and unorganised workers will be participating in the strike.

8. All affiliated organizations should issue their own separate circulars to all the lower units directing the Branch/District/Divisional/State/Circle level leaders to start campaign work immediately and also to ensure maximum participation of employees in the strike.


1. Confederation and all its affiliated organizations shall commence their own independent intensive campaign especially among grass-root level workers from now onwards.

2. At the same time Confederation state/District level leadership (C-O-Cs) should take initiative to organize joint conventions of National Joint Council of Action at maximum possible centres.

3. Immediately after the 2nd September strike and after submission of report by 7th CPC, the Confederation National Executive will meet again and decide further programmes to intensify the campaign programme for the success of 23rd November indefinite strike.

4. A Resolution adopted by the National Executive regarding 2nd September one day strike and 23rd November indefinite strike is enclosed herewith.


1. The All India Two days Women’s Workshop of Confederation will be held at Hyderabad on 9th & 10th October 2015. About 150 lady delegates from all affiliates and C-O-Cs will attend the workshop. Quota fixed for each affiliate and C-O-Cs will be circulated shortly. Delegate fee per head is fixed as Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred only). All affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs are requested to ensure maximum participation in the workshop. Travel tickets of the delegates may be booked well in advance.

2. Next National Conference of the Confederation will be held at Chennai (Tamilnadu) before September 2016. The Tamilnadu state Committee of the Confederation (C-O-C) shall finalise the dates/month in consultation with CHQ. Efforts may be made to hold the Conference in July itself.

3. Financial position of the Confederation CHQ was reviewed. It is noticed that many affiliates have not remitted their due quota. It is decided to instruct all affiliates to clear their quota arrears before 31st August 2015. Delegates to the National Conference will be fixed based on the quota remitted by each affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs. Needless to say that for smooth functioning of the CHQ and also for undertaking campaign programmes funds is a must.

4. Decided to nominate Com. R. Seethalakshmi, Convenor, Women’s Sub Committee, Confederation to the Women’s Committee of the Trade Union International (TUI)-Public an allied services functioning under world Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

5. Decided to grant affiliation to the following organizations

(a) Forest Survey of India Employees Association Dehradun (Uttrakhand).

(b) Employees Association of Directorate of Forest Education Dehradun Staff, Dehradun (Uttrakhand)

6. Decided to extend full support and cooperation for the successful conduct of the Asia-pacific region meeting of the Trade Union International (TUI) – Public and Allied Services at Delhi during the month of November 2015.

Meeting ended at 5 PM.

M. Krishnan 

Secretary General




1. Urgent measures for containing price-rise through universalisation of public distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.

2. Containing unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.

3. Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measure for violation for labour laws.

4. Universal social security cover for all workers

5. Minimum wages of not less than Rs. 15,000/- per month with provisions of indexation.

6. Assured enhanced pension not less than Rs. 3000/- P.M. for the entire working population.

7. Stoppage of disinvestment in Central/State PSUs.

8. Stoppage of contractorisation in permanent perennial work and payment of same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work.

9. Removal of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund; increase the quantum of gratuity.

10. Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting applications; and immediate ratification of ILO Convention C 87 and C 98.

11. Against Labour Law Amendments

12. Against FDI in Railways, Insurance and Defence.


1. Effect wage revision of the Central Government Employees from 01.01.2014 accepting memorandum of the staff side JCM; ensure 5-year wage revision in future; grant interim relief and merger of 100% of DA; Include Gramin Dak Sevaks within the ambit of 7th CPC. Settle all anomalies of 6th CPC.

2. No Privatisation, PPP or FDI in Railways, Defence Establishment and no corporatization of Postal services.

3. No ban on creation of new posts. Fill up all vacant posts.

4. Scrap PFRDA Act an re-introduce the defined benefit statutory pension scheme.

5. No outsourcing, contractrisation, privatization of governmental functions; withdraw the proposed move to close down the printing presses, the publications, form stores and stationery departments and medical stores Depots; regularize the existing daily-rated/casual and contract workers and absorption of trained apprentices.

6. Revive the JCM functioning at all level as an effective negotiating forum for settlement of the demands of the Central Government Employees.

7. Remove arbitrary ceiling on compassionate appointment.

8. No labour reforms which are inimical to the interest of the workers.

9. Remove the ceiling on payment on bonus

10. Ensure five promotions in the serve career.



1. The National Executive of the Confederation which met at New Delhi on 12.07.2015 decided unanimously to endorse the call of the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations in the country for organizing one day nationwide strike on 2nd September 2015 to oppose the ongoing aggressive neo-liberal economic policies of the Government of India. The National Executive has decided to call upon all its affiliates to organise intensive mobilization campaign to reach out to each and every Central Government employees. The National Executive has also decided to deploy the National and state leaders of Confederation for a wider campaign amongst the Central Government employees in all states and District capitals of the country.

2. The meeting also noted with grave concern the rejection of a 5 years wage revision for Central Government Employees by the 7th Pay Commission and consequent demand of the benefit of merger of DA an Interim Relief. The meeting also noted the advisory articles appearing in the corporate/controlled media against the wage revision of Central Government Employees to influence the recommendation of the 7th CPC. The meeting noted with grave concern the negative attitude of the Government towards three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department by refusing to include them in the 7th CPC. The meeting decided to exhort the affiliates to bring the contents of the memorandum of the staff side JCM once again to the employees and prepare them for the proposed indefinite strike action of the CGEs including Railways and Defence workers from 23rd November 2015. It was also decided that besides the National charter of demands of prepared by the Central Trade Unions, the 10-point Charter of demands of the JCM staff side National Council shall form the combined charters of demands of the Central Government employees for the strike action on 2nd September 2015.

3. The meeting decided to appeal to all state committees and affiliated organizations to take active part in all meetings and conventions organised by Central Trade Unions, jointly with state Government Employees Federation, Bank, Insurance and other public sector undertakings. The Confederation and its affiliates shall serve strike notice for the 2nd September strike on 11th August 2015 by holding massive demonstrations at the respective work places.

Source: Confederation

Duplicity requests on RTI – Dopt advised to upload most often requests on the websites of all Departments

Duplicity requests on RTI – Dopt advised to upload most often requests on the websites of all Departments

"Dopt instructed to all Ministries/Departments as per the suggestions given by the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committe, to avoid duplicity of requests from the applicants often, upload the requests and the replies can be published on the websites of the Departments."

G.I, Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.1/1/2013-IR, dated 9.7.2015

Subject: 76th Report of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice Recommendation regarding suo-motu disclosure under Section 4 of justify to Information Act, 2005.

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Bonus Ceiling, eligibility limits and minimum bonus without linking to loss – Agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

Bonus Ceiling, eligibility limits and minimum bonus without linking to loss – Agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

“Amendment of Bonus Act – Removal of conditions on payment ceiling, eligibility limits, decisions to pay minimum bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus”.

47th Session of Standing Labour Committee revises agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference

In a meeting held here on 10th July,2015, 47th Session of Standing Labour Committee shortlisted agenda items for detailed deliberation in the 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

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Grant of 3% increment due to financial upgradation in the same Grade Pay – OFB Orders on 10.7.2015

Grant of 3% increment due to financial upgradation in the same Grade Pay – OFB Orders on 10.7.2015

Government of India

Ministry of Defence

Ordnance Factory Board

Ayudh Bhavan

10A, Shaheed Kmudiram Bose Road, Kolkatta – 700 001


Date: 10/07/2015


The Sr. General Managers’ / General Managers

All Ordnance & Ordnance Equipmeni Factories

Sub: Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments in Modification of Recommendations of 6th CPC

Ref: (i) OFB Circular No. 01/CR/A1/658 dated 17/02/2014

(ii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2014/02 dated 11.02.2014

(iii) PC of A (FYS) Circular No. Pay/Tech-II/04/2013/22 dated 31.07.2013

It has already been circulated vide Ref.(i) & (ii) above that HS/MCM workers drawing the pay scale of 5000-8000/- (i.e. Pay Scale of CM-II) by virtue of ACPS upto 31.12.2005 are to be considered for financial up-gradation in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- under 3rd MACP, if otherwise eligible.

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Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT) in Ordnance Factories

Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT) in Ordnance Factories

Government of India

Ministry of Defence

Ordnance Factory Board

Ayudh Bhavan

10A, Shaheed Kmudiram Bose Road, Kolkatta – 700 001


Date: 3/07/2015


1) The All Sr. General Managers / General Managers / All Head of Units, Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories.

2) The Sr.Prinicpal Director, NADP, Ambajhar, Nagpur.

Sub : Eligibility for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT)-reg.

In compliance with the rules contained in the SRO 30 dated 14.07.2010 & SRO 58 dated 19.07.2012, it is re-iterated in the following for information to all concerned in order to remove doubt and ambiguity arising out of it regarding the eligibility conditions for LDCE for the post of Supervisor (NT). An extract from the above mentioned SROs has been reproduced below : –

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Method of Night Duty Allowance and Night Shift Bonus Calculation for Industrial Employees

Method of Night Duty Allowance and Night Shift Bonus Calculation for Industrial Employees

Night Duty Allowance & Night Shift Bonus in OFB- Para 196 & 201 of Office Manual Part-VI (Volume-I) Chapter -V (Labour-Methods of Payment and Allocation)

Night Duty Allowance

201. Industrial employees working on night shifts are eligible for Night Duty allowance on the basis of weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of night duty performed between 22.00 hours and 6.00 hours at the rates specified in the Government orders Issued from time to time.

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Saturday, 11 July 2015

Grant of increment for those who have completed one year on the day of superannuation - NC JCM Staff Side writes to the Secretary of Dopt

Grant of increment for those who have completed one year on the day of superannuation - NC JCM Staff Side writes to the Secretary of Dopt

 "The issue was discussed several occasions, but was not agreed upon by the Official Side. The Official Side took the stand that the completion of the stipulated one year being the day on which the official retires, he cannot be granted one increment for having completed one year only the next day and for doing so, one has to be on duty. The fact that the official has completed the requisite one year for earning an increment was unfortunately glossed over. "

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Friday, 10 July 2015

Yearly Increment for Central Government Employees from July 2015…

Yearly Increment for Central Government Employees from July 2015…

As we are in the last six months for the implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission, let us look at the calculation of yearly increment implemented in the 6th CPC.

The 6th Central Pay Commission which came in to effect from January 2006 and fully implemented with allowances like HRA, CCA, etc., from August 2008, presented a totally different look when compared to previous pay commissions. There were different types of decisions, ideas, information and recommendations in it.

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Thursday, 9 July 2015

5 Major issues of the CG Employees which are projected for a serving employee to the 7th Pay Commission

5 Major issues of the CG Employees which are projected for a serving employee to the 7th Pay Commission

Major issues of the Central Government Employees

Five major issues of the Central Government employees which are projected for a serving employee to the 7th CPC.

1) Inadequate pay compared to talent.

2) Lack of promotions and better increment rate.

3) Equal pay for equal work.

4) Non-filling up of vacant posts and increased work load.

5) Allowances to be paid as per market rate.

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Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits of Exemption of Assets in filing Returns), Rules 2014

Public Servants (Furnishing of Information and Annual Return of Assets and Liabilities and the Limits of Exemption of Assets in filing Returns), Rules 2014-Insertion of second proviso under sub-rule(2) of rule 3.

"Provided further that the public servants who have filed declarations, information and annual returns of property under the provisions of the rules applicable to such public servants, shall file the revised declarations, information or as the case may be, annual returns as on the 31 81day of March, 2015, to the competent authority on or before the 15th day of October, 2015".

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Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Clarification orders on definition of Hometown LTC – PCA(FYS) issued on 6.7.2015

Clarification orders on definition of Hometown LTC – PCA(FYS) issued on 6.7.2015

PC of A (Fys) clarified that “areas falling within Urban Agglomeration of a city but within different districts may be termed as same station for the purposes of LTC Rules”.

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Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Comparison of Group ‘B’ Posts between the Railways and Other Central Govt Departments

Comparison of Group ‘B’ Posts between the Railways and Other Central Govt Departments

A mild comparison of Group ‘B’ employees working in the Railways and other Central Government Departments as per the Census of 2001 and 2008. The Indian Railways Technical Supervisors Association(IRTSA) submitted an additional memorandum to 7th Pay Commission recently. The report is highlighted the situation of Group ‘B’ posts in Railways in last 14 years. We just reproduced the matter briefly for your information…

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Hike in House Rent Allowance for Bank Employees as per 2011 Census

Hike in House Rent Allowance for Bank Employees as per 2011 Census

Bank Employees News : Based on the Census of 2011, the House Rent Allowance for Bank employees of a few cities are going to be hiked.

AIBEA Circular

Date : 6th July, 2015

Dear Comrades,


Recently Govt. of India has issued the Gazette notification for the Census as of 2011. It is the 15th Census in India beginning from 1872 and 7th since our independence.

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Review of the extra pay, incentives, pay structure and allowances of CVOs in CPSE

Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.325/10/2015-AVD-III,dated 7.6.2015

Subject: Reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and the pay, incentives, allowances etc. related issues.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the minutes of the meeting of the Selection Committee held on 24th June, 2015 and to say that a Committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary(S&V) to consider the issues related to reassessment of CVO positions in CPSEs and review of the extra pay, incentives, pay structure and allowances etc. of CVOs in CPSEs.

2. All Ministries/Departments are requested to furnish the following information about the CPSEs under their control within 15 days of receipt of this O.M.:-

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Dopt issued FAQ on Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

FAQs with Replies/Information, In Respect of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013

Whether the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 has come into force?

Yes, vide Gazette Notification No. S.O. 119(E) dated 16-01-2014, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (1 of 2014 has come into force from the said date. However, the institution of Lokpal is yet to become functional, since the Act needs some amendments, inter alia, so as to resolve certain issues relating to appointment of Chairperson and Members of Lokpal, etc. in the absence of a Leader of Opposition recognized as such in the Lok Sabha. For this purpose, a Bill has been introduced in Parliament and is currently under consideration of the Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances and Law and Justice.

Aadhaar Camp for Pensioners at New Delhi from 13th to 17th July, 2015

Aadhaar Seeding cum Registration Camps from 13th to 17th July, 2015

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions

06-July-2015 18:34 IST

Aadhaar Seeding cum Registration Camps from 13th to 17th July, 2015

The Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare will hold five Aadhaar Seeding and Regularisation for pensioners in Delhi NCR in collaboration with Punjab National Bank from 13th to 17th July, 2015. These camps will be held at Rajendra Place, Civil Lines, Scope Tower – Lakshmi Nagar in Delhi and Noida Sector 1 and Neelam Chowk, Faridabad respectively.

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Principle of OROP as per Government order issued by D/o ESW, MOD on 24.4.2014

Principle of OROP as per Government order issued by D/o ESW, MOD on 24.4.2014

Definition of One Rank One Pension as per Government order issued by MoD (DoESW) : The principle of OROP implies that uniform pension be paid to the Armed Forces Personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length oi service irrespective of their date of retirement and any future enhancement in the rates of pension to be automatically passed on to the past pensioners.

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Monday, 6 July 2015

Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet - Dopt orders on 3.7.2015

Instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet - Dopt orders on 3.7.2015

“The reasons for suspension should be communicated to the Government servant concerned at the earliest, so that he may be in a position to effectively exercise the justify of appeal available to him under Rule 23 (i) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, if he so desires. The time-limit of forty five days for submission of appeal should be counted from the date on which the reasons for suspension are communicated.”

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F.No.11012/17/2013-Estt.(A), dated 3.7.2015

Subject: Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 – instructions regarding timely issue of Charge-sheet – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DoP&T O.M. of even no. dated 2nd January, 2014 regarding consolidated instructions on suspension and to say that in a recent case, Ajay Kumar Choudhary vs Union of India Civil Appeal No.1912 of 2015 dated 16/02/2015 the Apex Court has directed as follows:

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Sunday, 5 July 2015

Children Education Allowance -Frequently asked questions – Railway Board Orders on 1.6.2015

Children Education Allowance -Frequently asked questions – Railway Board Orders on 1.6.2015

Government of India

Ministry of Railways

(Railway Board)


The General Manager (P),

All Indian Railways &

Production Units.

New Delhi, Dated: 01-06-2015

Sub: Children Education Allowance -Frequently asked questions.

Please refer to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 01.10.2008 followed by subsequent letters regarding revised policy instructions /clarifications on Children Education Allowance admissible to Railway Servants, based on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

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Justification of One Rank One Pension – What is the real status of OROP?

Justification of One Rank One Pension – What is the real status of OROP?

Why is the Government hesitant to implement OROP? – Is economical burden on the exchequer the only reason?

“When the body and spirit are hale and healthy, our soldiers dedicate their life for the safety of the country. Once the body has worn out and the soldiers retire, they want a secure life. What’s unreasonable about this?

“The 35-year-long demand might look unreasonable at the first glance. But, if the request is studied in depth, the urgency and necessity to implement it can be understood.”

IESM claims that civilians and CRPF cannot demand to be included in this scheme.

The moment a young man or woman enters a government service, his/her future is secure until the age of 57-60. The government pays them salaries, promotions and regular incentives and increments. Post-retirement, there is always the pension. But, the soldiers who join the Army, Navy, and the Air Force, opt for retirement at the age of 37. At the time of retirement, they are offered meager pensions. Is it right to use the same yardsticks to compare the two?

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Friday, 3 July 2015

Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres - Dopt Orders

Dopt orders on framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres

Dopt orders on framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres

Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres - Dopt Orders

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.11013/10/2013-Estt.A, dated 2.7.2015

Subject: Framing a Transfer Policy in all cadres – regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to the OMs of even number dated 13thJune, 2014, and 3 July, 2015 wherein all the Ministries/Departments were requested to (i) prescribe Minimum Tenure, (ii) set up a mechanism akin to Civil Services Board for recommending transfer, and (iii) place in public domain the transfer policy.

2. The Rotational Transfer Policy should aim to harmonise objectives of institutional memory, avoid development of vested interests, and provide exposure to the employees of working in different organisations, inter alia ensuring overall growth of an officer. The Transfer Policy should provide for both a minimum as well as maximum tenure. Any transfer before completing the minimum prescribed tenure or stay beyond the maximum tenure should be with the approval of the Committee constituted for the purpose, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Expected DA July 2015 - AICPIN for the month of May 2015

Expected DA July 2015 - AICPIN for the month of May 2015

Index of CPI(IW) BY2001=100 for the month of May 2015

According to the press release of Labour Bureau, the All-India CPI-IW for May, 2015 increased by 2 points and pegged at 258 (two hundred and fifty eight).

G.I., Min. of Lab. & Emp., Labour Bureau, P.R.No. 5/1/2015- CPI, dated 30.6.2015

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) - May, 2015

The All-India CPI-1W for May, 2015 increased by 2 points and pegged at 258 (two hundred and fifty eight). On l-month percentage change, it increased by 0.78 per cent between April, 2015 and May, 2015 when compared with the increase of (+) 0.83 per cent between the same two months a year ago. 

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Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade Of UDCs of CSCS – Dopt Orders

Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade Of UDCs of CSCS – Dopt Orders

G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.3/2/2010-CS.II (B), dated 30.6.2015

Subject: Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade Of UDCs of CSCS -reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M of even number dated 9th January, 2015 on the subject mentioned above, vide which Cadre Units were permitted to continue ad-hoc appointments in the grade of UDCs up to 30/06/2015. Further continuance of these appointments has been reviewed in this Department and it has been decided that the period of the ad-hoc appointment of those LDCs of CSCS who are working as UDCs of CSCS on ad-hoc basis may be extended upto 31.122015 or till they are appointed on regular basis, whichever is earlier.

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