Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Tripbase, originally uploaded by blue eyes.

Thank you, Tripbase : )

Friday, 21 May 2010

Self Portrait

Some praise for Iceland Eyes:

"I just wanted to say that I think your blog is great. You have a fantastic photographic eye. I believe, having never actually been to Iceland, that the imagery you’ve posted shows what I think is the real Iceland – fantastic composition that shows the balance between the natural beauty of the country and the life and verve of the people." GK, Canada

"Came upon your blog today and I'm very appreciative of your photos. I have never been to Iceland but have read many of the Icelandic Sagas and Norse mythologies, so I thank you for keeping my interest as one day I hope to visit." MF, Switzerland

"i've just seen your blog beacause i was looking about informations on your country, and your photos are really beautifull, i like so much the photo BALANCE." YD, France

"Iceland Eyes is a wonderful blend of spontaneity and sophistication. Thanks for sharing your photographs of Iceland's beauty. It is my favorite of all the nations I have visited." RJ, USA

"I was looking through the net and found a few photographs but nothing compared to the ones you post
on your blog." KL, Canada

Gracious thanks to everyone who has emailed me kind words and/or commented on Iceland Eyes. You make this little hobby of mine worth the love and effort : )

(this self portrait in a tiny bubble was taken out at the beach on Seltjarnarnes.)

Saturday, 8 May 2010


The secret to happiness, I think, is not more complex than enjoying an amazing playdate with a beautiful friend.

Sunday, 2 May 2010


Warm, dark nights are uncommon here so far north.

Tonight a rare aspect shows, though: a tree that has just burst forth its new green leaves (the first on the block to do so) is lit by a streetlamp on a calm, balmy May midnight, with a purply-blue sky as backdrop. Soon the days will lengthen into forever and the stars and moon will disappear as the sun takes over for a season and we'll almost forget what they look like, their charm and twinkle.

They never leave us, though, which is a good thing to know.

Friday, 23 April 2010


Kids playing in trees at Kjarvalstaðir art museum

Yesterday was our first day of Summer, and though chilly, we were gifted sunshine by the gods. No ashfall, no doom-laden black smoke skies, no new eruption. We've settled into our volcanism, and our latest foray into the world stage, with the calmness and wry humor of a people who count these disasters like clockwork. Like other fault-line cultures, ash and lava are part of who we are.

Meanwhile, our children still play.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


It's rare that I post a photo taken by someone else, but this image must be shared.

Everything is changing. The heart of our island is pulsing, throbs exposed for all to see, releasing a nature we've not witnessed for aeons. And we're to let our own hearts beat in time, push past the fear, find the Love we've forgotten or neglected, welcome the spirits, and dance. This is Paradise, and a most beautiful moment to be alive.

(photo of Eyjafjallajökull by Örvar Atli Þorgeirsson)

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


We bury a share of our national soul this week, and hope beyond hope there's an afterlife...

For more on the current state of our state, I'll let the Reykjavik Grapevine do the honors.