I've been cruising through the Iceland Eyes archives lately and am truly realizing, ten years on, just how much content I've accumulated on this site. So much history and so many cool photos ( if I may say so myself ~.^ ) describing a whole decade of life in Reykjavik! It's been really amazing witnessing and documenting the growth (and growing pains) of our city, now one of the most popular destinations in the world.
A few of my readers might remember this pic, first posted in March 2008. It's moments like these that really tap into the soul of this blog project for me ~ those normal, everyday scenes that have a little bit of humor and a lot of heart.
Here's what I wrote in the original post:
Another wonderful Sunday down at the Zoo (Húsdýragarðinn) at Laugardalur...
The days are getting longer at an amazing pace now. During the first week of March it's like an extra set of lights has been turned on in the heavens, and suddenly 7 a.m. is dawn and 8 o'clock still sees a hint of brightness on the horizon. By the equinox a few weeks from now we'll officially be out of the dark days and cruising slowly toward the eternal sunlight of summer. As I say every year, it's just as amazing each spring that summer will once again come round.
Just waiting for the tulips...
If you haven't recently, give yourself a few minutes to do a random cruise through the past ten years of Iceland Eyes by visiting the 'You might also like...' photos below. Or you can select a month from the Archives at the very bottom of this page and take a little trip back in time. I think you'll enjoy it : )
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