Saturday 17 May 2014


The old Reykjavik cemetery just above the west side of the town lake, Tjörnin

I love the old Reykjavik cemetery, which sits peacefully just above the western side of the town lake. Photos never do the quiet justice, though yesterday there were some serious conversations going on between a loud family of birds (starlings?) tucked into the branches above.
The buzz and whoosh of rush hour on Hringbraut was audible, but it easily turned into white noise after just a few minutes among the old moss-covered headstones and trees, which as of 1946 were barely there at all as you can see in this aerial shot of Vesturbær Reykjavik. It's amazing what seventy years and a bit of well-tended gardening can do.

Back in 2008 I was asked to write a description of a good walking tour through Reykjavik for Packed magazine, and I included this cemetery as part of it. You can read more of what I consider to be an excellent day trip through our little city, on page 35 of the online issue.

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