Showing posts with label Ad-hoc bonus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ad-hoc bonus. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Bonus Issue – Report on detailed discussions and conclusions of 46th ILC

Bonus Issue – Report on detailed discussions and conclusions of 46th ILC 

Removal of Conditions on payment Ceiling eligibility Limits, Decisions to pay Minimum Bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus- The major conclusions emanating from the discussions in the committee are as follows:

The Conference committee on amendment of Bonus Act – Removal of Conditions on Payment Ceiling, Eligibility Limits. Decisions to pay Minimum Bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus constituted to discuss the Agenda item No. 3 of 46th session of the Indian Labour Conference met under the chairmanship of Captain Abhimanyu, Minister of Labour, Govt. of Haryana. Shri Om Prakash Mittal, General Secretary, Laghu Udyog Bharti (LUB) and Ms. Meenakshi Gupta and Mr. B.B. Mallick, Joint Secretary, MoLE respectively were the Vice-Cheirman and Member Secretary of the Committee. The Committee had the representation of all the stake-holders (Workers’ Group, Employers’ Group and State Government).

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Monday, 13 July 2015

Bonus Ceiling, eligibility limits and minimum bonus without linking to loss – Agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

Bonus Ceiling, eligibility limits and minimum bonus without linking to loss – Agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

“Amendment of Bonus Act – Removal of conditions on payment ceiling, eligibility limits, decisions to pay minimum bonus without linking to loss when the performance indicator satisfy grant of bonus”.

47th Session of Standing Labour Committee revises agenda for 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference

In a meeting held here on 10th July,2015, 47th Session of Standing Labour Committee shortlisted agenda items for detailed deliberation in the 46th Session of Indian Labour Conference.

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Sunday, 7 June 2015

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500

Modi Government to Raise Bonus Limits from Rs.3500 to Rs.4500

The Government has decided to raise the upper limit for the annual bonus that is being given to Central Government employees all over the country.

Payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance 2007 according to which section 12 of the payment of Bonus Act 1965 had been amended raising the ceiling for calculation purpose from salary of 2500/- P.M. to Rs.3500/-P.M. w.e.f. 01.04.2006. And also amended the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 to raise the eligibility limit for payment of bonus from the salary or wage of Rs. 3500/- per month to Rs. 10000/- per month.

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