A bunch of us went for a hike at Bukit Tabur located at Taman Melawati. We started out hike at around 7.30am. We hiked about three hours. It was definitely not an easy hike for me. It was fun and it was a good workout. Imagine doing lunges more than the usual sets of 25 in the gym. We parked the car and then took a few steps towards a trackless slope and Jo Lene said "Ok, start climbing" I was like huh climb??!! lol
The first five minutes of the hike made me pant so much already and my thighs were burning. I wanted to stop already but then I was the one who organised the trip. So, basically that was my motivation to move forward ;) Surprisingly the first part of the hike was really tiring but after that it was just more about finding the right parts of the rocks to climb. I did bang my knees on the rocks, bled under my thumb nail because the rocks were sharp and banged my head on a huge rock lol.
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-our rocky hiking trail- |
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-one of out few rest stops- |
Aside from my injuries, I loved the hike and i know it would get easier with more experience. It was just my first time afterall. All the panting and sweating was worth it when we were able to enjoy the breathtaking view of the city. On one side it was all green while on the other side was the concrete jungle.
Walking down for me was much more difficult than going up. This was because it could be slippery when stepping on tiny rocks. Also, I think I had to use my brains more while getting down as I needed to watch and choose where to step so I that I didn't trip and fall. I did fall at one time anyway XD Thanks to Jo Lene and her Boyfriend for being awesome guides. I don't think I would have had the guts to hike up without them. I would probably stop hiking after the first five minutes..... Or if I made it up to the peak, I would probably be lost at how to hike back down....
After the hike, we had rojak mamak. We all wanted cendol but it was too early for the stall to be opened. So, we headed to my house for some mooncakes and chocolate cupcakes while waiting for the cendol stall to open.
Hiking should be the new trend to hang out with friends! It was nice catching up :)