Monday, 27 December 2010

Christmas gifts - The exchange

To friends:

Picture taken from Amy coz I didn't take any pic of this.

Pretty christmas chocolates

From friends:
Just pictures of cards and gifts received for Christmas.

He said, She said

"i worry than im just goin to earn around rm3k monthy . thats not enough . im single and i know life will be good with this much money but its just not enough . i need more money. i need to be rich . I need to be filthy rich . its true that money cant buy me happiness but at least i can be unhappy at nice place."

"well yours is a normal feelings of a newly employed grad...let me tell you..20 yrs after graduation...i am not a millionaire but i have been to nice places in the education brought me to such places. i m happily married wt children...things will turn out well for you too. Work hard without expecting returns for every bit of your work, do & think good & you will be rich of money & happiness."

Sunday, 26 December 2010

After Xmas humour

Christmas came and went.
I enjoyed everything done throughout the three days.
The memories were definitely worth keeping.
I've even added a 'christmas' tag here!

Not going to elaborate much till the next post.
Just wanted to put this up in conjunction with all the glorious food I've been having over the past three days:

Saturday, 25 December 2010


'Tis the season! Gleðileg jól to all, near and far, from Iceland Eyes. Here's hoping your holiday season, this ancient festival of Light and Hope and Love, is filled with much Peace and Joy.

Oh, and visit the Tjörnin Live Webcam if you would like to see what our Reykjavik city lake looks like right this moment on this lovely winter day.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Blue sheeps

Did you know sheeps were dyed a different colour when it snows so that it is easier for the owner to keep an eye on the sheeps?

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Tubby squirrel!

I was reading the news and I came across an article.

Squirrels can be fat too!

Wanting more food :)
I could not help but save the pictures because it was absolutely adorable~~
The squirrel has been eating way too much! No more Xmas treats for him ;P



Ari, who has earned his Masters in Politics from the University of Copenhagen, runs a charming photography shop, Fótógrafí on Skólavörðurstígur in the heart of Reykjavik. He specializes in thoughtful, timeless black and white snapshots of daily life in our little city, and offers everything from postcards to posters of his, and other artists' works.

This photo of Ari's caught my eye, first for the lovely colors and secondly for the suggestion of beautiful things broken, abandoned, and returning to nature. Looking more closely, though, the gilded word Guð, or God, floated up from the center of the scene and a metaphor began to emerge.

I will write, I thought, about the ongoing debate on the separation of church and state, and slip in a mention of the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið, which is dedicated to maintaining a modern form of Norse paganism. The society, I would share, is a defining force in the movement to halt taxpayers money from flowing automatically into the Lutheran church system. I would also note the ongoing drama over the building of an Islamic mosque here in Reykjavik, and how, after a decade of delay, the issue is once again fragmented by inter-faith debate.

Ultimately, I would let the few wet green leaves be a delicate reminder that we are all of Nature born and back into Nature we will return. From the raw stuff of this earth we have created glorious structures, symbols and systems, many of which are now cracking under the strain of misuse, neglect or obsolescence. The question then is, what will we help to maintain, and what will we simply let go...