Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Oven egg

I found a new way to cook egg - using the oven. This method was so easy and fast.

The idea came about when I felt like having an egg sandwich, but when I looked at the filthy stove (ilivewithsomeonefilthy), its just ruins the mood to cook. I was carrying my wok to and fro to the stove thinking if I wanted to use it. Then, the thought of cracking an egg on top of my bread and cooking it in the oven came up.

I just estimated the temperature to 220 degrees celcius and i cooked the egg for 5 minutes.

first attempt at cracking the egg on the bread failed. The yolk slid away from the bread. Then when I tried to put it back on top using a spoon, the yolk broke n u know what happens...

Second attempt was a success. The egg stayed on the bread, maybe coz the tray was balanced that end.

One thing I should have done was to butter the surface before putting the bread. I did not do that resultung in some parts of the bread being stucked to the foil. Egg sticks thats why.

Anyway, this is a healthier approach to eating eggs. No more oily fried eggs for me or microwaved eggs :)

Also, I can now cook 10 eggs (or more) in five minutes :)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Thanking the Universe

It was my birthday on Saturday, the 20th of April.  Every night of 19 April I go to bed a little excited (we're all still big kids I guess.. at least I am) and I thought back to something that happened when I was 9.  I do every year.

"Presents This Way"

We were living in our house in Herderstrasse in Bielefeld, Germany.  I had put up a big sign on my bedroom door last thing at night, the day before my birthday, that said "PRESENTS THIS WAY" and had gone to bed.  I was nine.  Kids do that type of shit.

My Dad came in and had pulled the sign down.  He started to give me a lecture.  I said "I know, I should just be grateful I have a Mum, Dad".  I was remembering what he'd said at Christmas about "getting an orange and a hoop and being happy with it" and how my elder brothers had taken the piss out of him for it.  No, he told me, Christmas was a time to be grateful for your family and being together.  A birthday was a time to count your blessings about yourself.  About being well, about not being in a wheelchair, about all the good things in your life.  This didn't include how many presents you did or didn't get.

That's pretty hard on a nine year old.  It wasn't said nastily, but I felt utterly bloody miserable.  I think I really resented it: it was MY birthday and everyone likes/ expects presents on their birthday.  The rest you just take for granted.

I've Grown Up

This year I had the *most* wonderful day.  It was brilliantly sunny, my boyfriend came down from Manchester despite having exams and hating trains, and I was genuinely enjoying a moment of complete bliss.

I find this fascinating.  I'm thinking about the day: it was the things I mention there I remember.  It was also lying out on a field with Ste, looking at the sky, and taking a birthday "selfie" pic of the two of us and Oscar (my collie) that stick in my head.  My next tweet after that was the following.  I really mean it.

I'm not trying to be some up-itself, affected, non-materialist, worthy wank-piece here.  I like nice things.  We all do.  My little home is beautiful.  I'm so excited about getting a new car in July.  What will I remember in years to come, though?  The material things in my life, as lovely as they are, or moments like lying in a field with my boyfriend, being on holiday, feeling loved and giving love, or real achievements to be proud of, like working hard in my degree and graduating from university?

Dad was, of course, wrong to make some implicit suggestion that you can't be happy, or grateful for all manner of other blessings in your life, if you are in a wheelchair.  But his enormous heart was entirely in the right place.  My dad died in 2000, and would have been 74 this 14 April.  It is fascinating I don't remember a single one of the presents I received on my ninth birthday, but I do remember what he said to me.  That gift has lasted. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013


I have finally found my kind of breakfast:
A cup of tea.
A bowl of homemade blueberry yoghurt, a piece of rich tea biscuit, one piece of oat biscuit and plain cornflakes thrown in.
An apple.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Why do you have two boobs....

New Yahoo! Weather app

I recently downloaded the new Yahoo! Weather app.

Yahoo! has updated its Weather app for iPhone, iPod and iPod Touch - adding images from Flickr and an innovative tilt control to stand out from the glut of weather apps on iPhone.

"Flickr helps the Yahoo! Weather app show you what to expect from the day rather than just tell you.
Tapping into photos representing your local conditions, users will get the same forecast they’re used to, along with something altogether richer.
With a library of photos from all corners of the world, Yahoo! Weather will give you a sneak preview of the holiday you’ve booked, the weather back home or that destination you’ve always wanted to visit."

I especially like that they have information about the wind speed.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Summer Wine by Lana Del Rey

Watch Lana Del Rey's new music video with her husband called Summer Wine. I love her voice and the song.
