I'm becoming the most massive puppy bore, aren't I? I'm sorry, but I'm sure someone is interested in these photos and if nothing else it's a record for me for the future!
So, FLORIAN is here. Mutti and I went to visit his breeder in West Sussex on Monday and had the most extraordinary afternoon meeting 14 stunning show collies, in pairs, in the form of a beauty (aka cuddle) parade. Hector was of course there and endeared himself greatly to everyone by trying to rape 10 week old Florian, followed by his sister. Apparently this isn't that unusual, but I was suitably mortified.
Dad: Percy |
We met his dad, the esteemed Champion Lynmead Amalie Loves a Lover (pet name, Percy) and his gorgeous mum, Champion To Be Lynmead Amalie Ours to Love (pet name, Pepsi) - photos below. They look like no other collies I've ever seen: massive, beautiful fur coats, giant manes, teddy bear faces, and amazing postures. They're also so incredibly friendly and happy: it was just a delight to see.
Mum: Pepsi |
Despite Percy being sable and white, and Pepsi being tricolour, all the pups came out sable and white. The breeder is keeping one boy; one girl has left already; the other will be going to Holland, and I'm unbelievably honoured that after 6 months of emailing and phone calling on and off, she thinks I'm a suitable owner for Florian, the only other boy of the litter of four.
Dad, again. |
We talked for 5 hours in total and I decided that I definitely was up for giving Florian a try. I know the challenges, I know the time I will have to put into this, but it is my dream. I have two stunning dogs in my life again. What's more, both are directly related to Oscar's daddy, Champion Lynmead Lust in the Dust. If I'm counting the generations correctly, both Hector and Florian are Oscar's great, great nephews.
So on Saturday Ste and I headed back down to collect young Florian. You can see him in the photo above in the middle between his brother and sister. Hector was a lot less boisterous this time round, which was a relief. The pups obviously remembered him and they got well. What a difference 4 weeks growth makes! Hector at 14 weeks is so much bigger than the puppies at 10 weeks.
It was a 2.5 hour drive home and given we didn't set off until 11pm, after a Chinese meal and another multi-hour long chin-wag with Florian's gorgeous breeder, that meant we got home at 1.30am. Florian settled in immediately and slept snuggled up to Hector. As there were no squeaks, we can assume no sexual crimes we committed over night either. Bonus!!
This morning I got up at 6.30am to let them out, feed them, play with them, and cuddle them. Consequently just a bit shattered and that's my excuse for the state of the photo below. Also, yes, I have no trousers on. Whatever. I love that Oscar is on the wall looking down at them both.
Ste is of course a lot prettier and also has a full set of clothes on below.
It's been fascinating watching them adjust to each other. Hector has been here for 4 weeks and has been brilliant in allowing Florian in to his home. They play, for the most part, very nicely. I'm not leaving them together unattended for a moment and whilst friendly rough and tumble puppy play with clicking teeth is absolutely fine and normal, any aggression, jealousy or nastiness isn't going to be tolerated.

Therefore if they get a bit possessive about toys, greedy over snacks, or jealous over affection etc. the offender (and they've both done it!) gets an immediate 5 minutes in the kitchen, behind the dog barrier, to calm off. I shout "TIME OUT" so they will hopefully get to learn quite rapidly that's what happens if engage in this type of behaviour and they hear those words. I'm the Alpha Dog in this pack and my pups won't be unruly spiteful little shits. They can play nicely, from the very outset, rather than having to deal with entrenched behavioural problems later. I can currently deal with breaking up snappy pups - but I obviously wouldn't want to get involved between biting male adult dogs. I know I've got to very tough, but fair, with clear, consistent ground rules they understand to make this work.
Feeding is also carried out with the dog barrier between them to make sure there are no supper time scraps. I have been playing with them both with different toys to make sure they realise Daddy is there for both of them equally and there's no favouritism going on.
There's a big risk with two puppies that they end up bonding very strongly with each other, rather than with their human, so I want to avoid that by giving them lots of person contact, cuddles, smoothing etc. I will also make sure they get individual training and walking time with me too, rather than always being together with me. That should also help with separation anxiety for when they are split up at any time. For example today I deliberately left Florian alone in the cottage to sleep while Hector came for a car ride to take Ste to the railway station. That allowed for Hector 1-on-1-time and hopefully taught young Florian that being left involves our coming back, so he needn't stress out.
My, this is all going to be one full time job!
Florian is a tiny, beautiful little bundle. He has a very different build to Hector - far lighter, a much larger rib cage, and it feels like he's a big, hollow, caramel puff. It's genuinely like there's nothing inside him at all. He's due a growth spurt, and if he follows in his dad's paws, he'll be huge in size, but very agile and light of build. He's not even quite 6kg right now (Hector is 10kg), which explains Dominic being able to snuggle him so easily below.
I adore them both. Florian is physically like no other collie baby I've ever seen. He's going to be the most perfect sable when he's older. He's more immediately affectionate to people and cuddly than Hector - but Hector wins in the cheeky, friendly, naughty imp stakes. Hector's dappled blue merle coat also makes him the most striking looking puppy, along with his deep, shiny little button eyes. They are both beyond beautiful.
Earlier today they had their naps and it nearly melted my heart. They followed each other round the cottage and snuggled into each other wherever they went. If this continues I will have a real dream come true in every sense. Two happy, loving, well-adjusted, confident, friendly, well-trained adult collies is my aim. That won't happen by magic, but it's been a great start today.
Now, is it bed time for me yet? I think the expression to describe myself is "dog-tired"!! And thank you again Ste. You've been an absolute star with all your support, intelligent suggestions and help all weekend long. I love you, but you know that, I think :-)