Sunday, 8 July 2012

Twitter Love

I've recently started dating someone from Twitter.  On this day seven weeks ago I was waiting at Ely Railway Station to meet him for the first time.  Ely is quite a scary place at the best of the times, located as it is in on the edge of the Fens.  Forget for a moment its magnificent cathedral and let's concentrate instead on the names that the people of that mysterious watery expanse that stretches up from Cambridgeshire into Lincolnshire even give themselves: potato heads and yellow bellies.  Think of a medieval Low Countries painting of ruddy faced peasants who had been at the ale and mead, add webbed feet, and we've got a reasonably accurate depiction of the scene in the station.  As I have tweeted before, the Fens give me the willies - and not in a good way, either.

Ely Station, 13 May 2012
Into this strange setting stepped a very handsome, strapping young man that I'd been following for about 6 months on Twitter.  We had had conversations by @ messages, followed by DM (direct message officially, but also known as "Do Me" or the dark room of Twitter, by some...)  We had moved on to swapping mobile phone numbers, progressed from texts to Whatsapp direct messaging, Skype video linked, and finally actually spoken by mobile.  This is the modern day progression: a strict set of electronic etiquette that is as rigidly adhered to as any set of rules the Habsburgs might have dreamed up in the 18th century for how one behaved at court.

We had a very good idea of who the other guy was.  Nonetheless, was this all a bit weird?  We'd arranged to spend 5 days together.  I'd been terribly grown up and responsible, emailing a copy of my driving licence over with my address on it, insisting he leave it with a friend, to hopefully allay his fears I wasn't some random axe-murderer and he might never be seen again [this no doubt had completely the opposite effect and totally put him on edge. Oh well, seemed a sensible idea at the time].  We knew we got on as friends: we both said, well if we don't fancy each other we'll just get drunk every day and have a laugh.  Yet STILL: this was a blind date to a large extent.

Twitter As A Place To Find "Someone"

Or was it?  Is Twitter in fact an excellent place to find a special someone?  When I think about personal ads in newspapers, I'm aware that the information available is so incredibly limited that you really might as well go up to a random stranger in a bar.   Yes, you may get some information about interests and to some extent the "type" of person is narrowed down if they are advertising somewhere like Guardian Soulmates.  Then there are "dating sites" for gay men such as Gaydar and Grindr.  There is no question that whatever they pretend, the incredibly strong subtext is about meeting for sex.  You create an image that you would like to project of yourself and the "selection" that goes on is 90% about the photos you swap, ignoring how out of date, flattering or outright misleading they might be.  I know guys who have met through Grindr and it has led to happy relationships, but for me there is little question what the motivation is for the vast bulk of people who use the app.

With Twitter, on the other hand, you have something quite unique.  Of course everyone projects to some extent a personality that they would like others to have of them.  Some people in fact manage to project an entirely fake personality and thousands fall for it.... click here for the weird and wonderful story of Lord Credo if you aren't familiar with it.

Real or Fake? Twitter -generally- does the job

However, in the vast majority of cases, it is very difficult to not be yourself if you are a regular user of Twitter.  You don't just post things that you want people to read: you get caught up in conversations and interactions that can be very rapid and spontaneous.  Unlike a medium where there is just one-on-one interaction (e.g. Grindr) you get a far better picture of someone's true personality through these conversations.  It's a bit like someone taking you out to dinner and being utterly charming to you, but then behaving like a total shit to the waiter.  They might be making an effort with you right now, no doubt because they want to get in your pants, but seeing them behave like that to someone else should ring alarm bells.  You will likely be on the receiving end of that at some point.

With Twitter, is possible for anyone to look at your timeline and to see how anyone is with other people.  This is both with strangers and with people that you know as well, because the social networking element of the site of course means that you will often have mutual Twitter friends.  If they are talking crap there will always be someone who will see it and call them out on it.  It is a very public medium and one in which it is quite hard to maintain a fake persona unless you are absolutely determined to and put an awful lot of effort into it.

Lots of people on Twitter also blog.  Whilst this is again, to a large extent, something that is "controlled" and puts out a personality you would like to project about yourself, it can still tell you loads about a person.  If, like me, you are very open about your feelings and things that have happened in your life, a reader can in the space of an afternoon find out a mass of information on you that gives a depth to your personality and character that will not come out in a personal ad or even through going on several dates.

The last important thing is of course that Twitter is not a dating site.  It represents a wide range of things to different people, but 99.9% it does not exist to hook up with people.  People on there are not out to find a date or a partner: it is a place to be more generally sociable, to exchange views, to access information or to goof about.  This for me actually makes it a far more likely place that you will meet someone special if you are "on the market" to do so.  Introductions through friends and general social interaction always struck me as by far the best place to meet, than a place where people specifically go to hope to "find love".  I know people very successfully meet in such other places, but for me there is something in the old cliché that it happens when you are not looking for it.

Back to The Handsome Strapping Young Man

And so we return to Ely.  Ste (for that is the said young man's name) stepped off the train and true to form gave me a huge hug.  If you read his blog you'll know he does this to people he knows, random strangers, and indeed random inanimate objects, on occasion.  Just like the other 100+ people I have met socially off Twitter, he was pretty much exactly as I imagined him to be, from talking to him and observing his Twitter persona and interactions.

Baking in MY kitchen. This is pretty bizarre.

In the past 7 weeks, despite my being abroad for 3 weeks, and his living on the other side of the country, we have somehow managed to spend a total of 17 days together.  I've just dropped him off at the station again and can't wait to see him again.  He is clever, funny (he "lmfaooooos" every 2 minutes) and has the biggest warmest heart imaginable.  He is loving, he is wise beyond his years, and he is gloriously ditsy.  I really respect what he has to say and find it so easy to talk to him for hours.  He sings, he acts, he paints, he sculpts, and he speaks French and Chinese.

HE ALSO COOKS.  If you follow me and know the abominations I serve up in my kitchen, you will understand the level of amazement I have at having had a delicious 3-course vegetarian meal cooked for me last night by him.   Most importantly, he is a dog person and my stand-offish, snooty collie @LassieOscar is already rather fond of him and gives him cuddles. "Ste from Twitter" has a magnetic personality and is quite exceptional.  I'm still a bit amazed he's in my life, and not just on Twitter.  In a nutshell.... I beam from ear to ear when I think of him.

Thank you Twitter

I love Twitter for many things.  It has enriched my life on so many fronts: provided friends, entertainment, support, information, contact to some remarkable people and many a laugh.  I really did not expect it to provide me with this though.  This blog is for you: thank you Twitter x

Wild boars

After a late night supper, my parents and I were heading home when we saw wildboars on our street!

The first wildboar i saw was rummaging trough a garbage bin of one of the houses. He was licking from an Ayam Brand can.

When we drove further up the road, we saw FIVE more wildboars!! It looked like someone has been feeding them daily. Four years ago when the major landslide happened nearby, I only saw two wildboars roaming the street. But now, there are six of them!!! They are not even afraid of humans or cars....

City wildboars ;)

Saturday, 7 July 2012


More macro loveliness from the heart of Reykjavik, this time of a flower medley in my parent's front yard ~.~

While cruising the interwebs today I ran across a link from the Bookworm Bookshop in Beijing highlighting the City of Reykjavik's first Reading Festival in October 2012, Sleipnir and the Joy of Reading. Reykjavik is a UNESCO City of Literature, which will be no surprise to my more literary readers (góðan daginn, Professor Batty!)

In other news, I promised to keep us all informed about the winner of the competition for the redesign of Ingólfstorg. They are the ASK architectural firm, and here is their winning design. Even though some people are righteously furious over everything that smacks of change, anything is better than the bad chi feng shui state of things in that downtown square. The city of Rvk has made a recent valiant attempt to draw more summertime life there, but when I drove past yesterday evening there were exactly 8 well-known town drunks (who usually hang out at Austurvellir) taking advantage of the new lounge chairs, two bikers, and lone skater petulantly sliding a measly wooden box. I'm beginning to think ancient Indian burial ground for that particular plot of land...

So though I try my best not to sleb gawk, ok, ok, yes Tom and Katie came into Valentína's ice cream store on the last official day of their pre-divorce papers marriage.  And as it seems that the final photo of them holding hands EVER displays the very same double vanilla latte that Katie politely ordered from Kristjána (the cute girl in the headband in the back row of this photo) while bodyguards waited outside and Tom flashed her his winning grin, I thought I'd go ahead and mention it.

Speaking of visitors, I mentioned cruise ships in the last post. The following photos are from June 18th, when four huge luxury liners docked here and spewed forth 10,000 curious humans which, combined with fold arriving by air, meant the highest number of visitors Iceland has ever had in one day.

One of the ships was the Costa Pacifica, sister ship to the ill-fated Costa Concordia (this last link is to a very compelling article in Vanity Fair about her last night afloat.)

These pics are however of the German AIDAmar, a 252-meter long Sphinx-class cruise ship with 1096 cabins and adorned with a smile, unlike her pensive residents in these shots, who I'm sure were just unwinding from a long day of Golden Circling and postcard buying and such. It seems that tourism is booming here on the Lava Rock, and with more arrivals and departures from Keflavik International than ever, as well as the increase in cruise liners, it seems things won't be settling back into any kind of "isolated republic in the North Atlantic" any time soon.

Have you tried Dynamic Viewing yet? Five new views in all. Use the blue tab at the top of the view page to check them all out : )

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Road blocks

The time of the year where festivities are starting. Certain people need to save up extra cash.

For the next three months, remember:
- no driving while texting
- no speeding while driving
- no cellphones while driving


There are just too many cops lurking around now in search of their preys..

Everyday I use the DUKE highway, there is a speed trap, usually around 12pm or so.

Bukit Kiara stretch famous for hidden blue collared men near bushes.

At night: Bukit Bintang, Imbi... KL

I swear I have never seen so many cars being stopped along roads until the past two weeks. Maybe Because I driving more??

Be lawful on the road this month for the sake of your $$$ ;)

Waze app is so helpful *hint*


I had a very complex and most assuredly fascinating post forming in my newly latte'd brain, complete with photos and links of wonderful stuff, but managed to fully boggle myself and ended up going with simplicity: one shot of a reclamation center down by where the cruise ships dock and where you can get the ferry to Viðey to go see Yoko Ono's Imagine Peace memorial to John Lennon, among other things. This is also the exact location of the second potentially very toxic fire (most probably arson) last year (video here) that brought up once again the issue of having this kind of industry so close to residential neighborhoods. Though I agree that it should be moved, or at least that arsonists should stop setting old tires on fire, I love the colors and the overall retro feel of this scene. And as faithful readers know, I seem to have a thing for the typically not-so-pretty here in our little city. 

Ok, so I was honestly only going to post one short sentence, but since I'm holding a link fest here, I'll add this to the bunch: The Reykjavík Municipal Plan for 2001-2024. Read and enjoy!

Have you tried Dynamic Viewing yet? Five new views in all. Use the blue tab at the top of the view page to check them all out.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Buy 1 free 1, San Francisco Coffee

Round 2 of San Francisco's coffee. This time round it was called Extreme Buzz. Must request for less sugar if not it will be so so so sweet!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Stuff to think about

I just took a Drypers Baby quiz for fun and I am a 'Guardian Angel'.
No, i am NOT having a baby yet!

Of late, Groupon has been pretty useful as it makes fine dining affordable and some expensive things you wish you had affordable. The discounts are always simply irresistible that it has the ability to make someone become a shopaholic. Everyone should have a Groupon account.It isn't about being cheap. It is about making the best of opportunities :) LINK TO GROUPON

On another note, I have started paying for my own insurance. I have listened to talks about buying and selling insurance. Given I always had a background in science only makes insurance terms very confusing. I know at 21 years old, we have to have our own individual insurance coverage. No more having parents as dependents. The question is... which insurance to buy? Which company? AIA? Great Eastern? Ing?

Welcome to adulthood!

I just saw this Adidas Ad about winning RM15000 worth of vouchers... Of late, almost everything needs us to have a facebook account.

Lastly, I wish for a new camera for my coming birthday!! Sony just came out with a new camera - LINK..... yummm Temptation.. Carrefoure in Midvalley has been revamped. So, we have to walk through the electronic gadgets before reaching the food section. Reminds me of the concept in USA. It really does psychological makes a person have the urge to buy a camera or laptop or ipad... Marketing tricks!