Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Meeting between JCM Staff Side & 7th Pay Commission – Discussion on DA Merger & Interim Relief – NFIR

Meeting between JCM Staff Side & 7th Pay Commission – Discussion on DA Merger & Interim Relief – NFIR

Meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission – reg


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

3, Chelmsford road, New Delhi – 110 005

No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/Corres/Pt.V

Dated: 18/02/2015

The General Secretaries of

Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Dear Brother,

Sub: Meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission – reg.

A meeting will take place between the JCM Staff Side and the 7th Central Pay Commission on 25th February 2015. Following issues are expected to be discussed in the meeting.

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AIRF writes to PM in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers

AIRF writes to PM in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra writes to Prime Minister of India in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers.


All India Railwaymen’s Federation

4, State Entry Road,

New Delhi – 110055, India


Dated: February 18, 2015

Shri Narendra Modi Ji,

Hon’ble Prime Minister,

(Government of India),

South Block,

New Delhi

Respected Sir,

I write today to alert you to the serious situation faced by the International Labour Organization.

The Employers’ Group in the Committee on the Application of Standards precipitated a crisis by challenging the independence of the long-established and authoritative Committee of the Experts on Application of Conventions and Recommendations(CEACR), a group of highly qualified persons, vetted and appointed through the tripartite Governing Body of the ILO.

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Dopt Orders on MACP – Granting of MACP benefits as and when the employees become eligible

Dopt Orders on MACP – Granting of MACP benefits as and when the employees become eligible

"MACPS are not being granted as per the schedule/provisions in the MACP Scheme leading to dissatisfaction and grievances among the employees. Therefore, Ministries/Departments are advised to ensure strict compliance to the time limits indicated in MACPS for grant of benefits under this scheme as and when the employees become eligible for such benefits".

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BPS- As Principal stakeholder of Civil Pensioners at 7th CPC round-table on 17.2.15

Important demands of Civil and Defence Pensioners submitted to 7th Pay Commission- BPS

BPS- As Principal stakeholder of Civil Pensioners at 7th CPC round-table on 17.2.15

As a rare distinction ‘Bharat Pensioners Samaj’ & its one affiliate CGPA Noida only were shortlisted to represent Civil Pensioners on 7th CPC round -table, the other three organizations who participated were of Defence Pensioners.

No cutoff dates,

min.pension to be 65% family Pension 45% of last drawn,

include DA in pension emoluments,

bring down ratio bet.minimum-maximum paid,

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Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year – Dopt orders Feb 2015

Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year – Dopt orders Feb 2015

G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F. No. 11013/3/2014-Estt.(A), dated 17.2.2015

Subject: Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 — Submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants for each year — regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’ OM of even no. dated /16.01.2015 clarifying the provisions relating to submission of declaration of assets and liabilities by the public servants. As per this clarification, all Government Servants have been advised that:

(i) The annual Immovable Property Return (IPR), as on 31.12.2014, under the existing CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 is required to be filed on or before 31.01.2015;

(ii) The first return under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 (as on 01.08.2014) should be filed on or before 30.04.2015; and

(iii) The next annual return under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, for the year ending 31.03.2015, should be filed on or before 31.07.2015.

2. The Secretaries of all Ministries/ Departments have also been requested that all concerned may be suitably advised to file the IPRs and the return under the Lokpal Act as per the dates indicated above. A compliance report in respect of the IPRs filed by Group ‘A’ Officers of the Central Civil Services, as on 31.01.2015, has also been requested by 30.04.2015. It has also been requested that similar action may be taken by the authorities controlling services not covered by the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964.

3. In this regard it has been directed that all preparatory steps for the purpose of filing returns under the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, be put in place. An online system for filling the annual declarations of assets and liabilities by the public servants, as in PRISM (Property Related Information System) for IAS officers developed by NIC, may be adopted.

4. The Cadre Controlling Authorities are accordingly requested to please take immediate steps for putting in place all preparatory steps.

5. Hindi version will follow.

Click to view the order


Importance of following the due process in disciplinary proceedings – DOPT Orders issued on 18.2.2015

Importance of following the due process in disciplinary proceedings – DOPT Orders issued on 18.2.2015

G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M.F. No.11012/3/2015-Estt.A-III, dated 18.2.2015

Subject: Importance of following the due process in disciplinary proceedings – regarding

This Department has been emphasising the necessity of conforming with the procedures prescribed in the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965 [CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965] while dealing with the disciplinary proceedings conducted in Ministries/ Departments. Many a times the Hon’ble Administrative Tribunals and Courts have held the proceedings non-est for non-conformity of the procedure, without even going into the merits of the case. This issue was highlighted recently in the judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the B. V. Gopinath case in SLP No. 6348/2011.

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Travelling Allowance in respect of Attendant/Escort for accompanying a Government Servant with Disabilities on travel during tour/training

Travelling Allowance in respect of Attendant/Escort for accompanying a Government Servant with Disabilities on travel during tour/training etc.

G.I., Finane Ministry, O.M.No.19030/3/2013-E.IV, dated 17.2.2015

Subject:- Travelling Allowance in respect of Attendant/Escort for accompanying a Government Servant with Disabilities on travel during tour/training etc.

References have been received in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure seeking provision in the Rules/instructions regulating Travelling Allowance, in order to allow grant of Travelling Allowance to the Government servant with Disabilities in respect of an Attendant/Escort accompanying such a Government servant with Disabilities during travel while on tour/training, etc. At present there are no provisions in the Travelling Allowance rules which allows Government servants to claim Travelling Allowance in respect of Attendant/Escort accompanying them on tour/ training, etc. where such Government servants require the assistance of an Attendant/Escort for travel.

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