Sunday, 16 November 2014

Air Travel LTC to J&K, N.E.R and A&N extended by 2 Years

Air Travel LTC to J&K, N.E.R and A&N extended by 2 Years

Leave Travel Concession to travel via air to Jammu & Kashmir, the North Eastern Regions and the Andaman and Nicobar islands has been extended for another two years for Central Government employees.

The LTC scheme, which is granted to Central Government employees and their family members, has now been extended up to September 2016. Click here for the detailed DOPT order.

DOPT has also released an order regarding LTC scheme for new recruits. Explanations have been given in the form of questions and answers. The order contains answers to 8 very important questions, explanations for them and 4 pictorial examples.

Foreign Tour for CG Employees, demanded by NC JCM Staff Side. Explore the possibility of allowing an employer to undertake tour outside India once in his life time in lieu of the LTC.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Estimated 7th CPC Pay Scale with a Touch of Fiction

Estimated 7th CPC Pay Scale with a Touch of Fiction

Everybody has the justify to let their imagination run wild before an official announcement is made..! Its impact differs based on the number of people who eagerly await the announcement.

The 7th Central Pay Commission, constituted by the Central Government, is busy formulating its recommendations for the new pay scale. Constant stream of information has confirmed that the 7th Pay Commission, chaired by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, is working at an astonishing pace. After receiving memorandums from all the leading employee federations, the Commission is now touring the entire country in order to gather opinions. The tour began in June and continues till date. The Commission is involved in visiting pre-determined cities and talking to the various Central Government employee associations and individuals in order to hear their opinion.

Friday, 14 November 2014

List of Allowances & Advances increased 25% due to DA raised to 100% with effect from 01.01.2014

List of Allowances & Advances increased 25% due to DA raised to 100% with effect from 01.01.2014.


List of Allowances & Advances increased 25% due to DA raised to 100% with effect from 01.01.2014.

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3rd Financial Upgradation under MACP, Railway Board's reply to AIRF's Reference.

3rd Financial Upgradation under MACP, Railway Board's reply to AIRF's Reference.

It may be clarified that financial upgradations under MACPS would continue to be granted in the successive grade pay in the hierarchy of recommended revised pay band and grade pay as given in Section 1, Part-a of the first Schedule of the Railway Services (Revised Pay), Rules, 2008 and not in the promotional hierarchy, where functional promotion are allowed in the same Grade Pay, MACP benefits would also be regulated in the Grade Pay only.

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CGHS Orders on suspension of empanelment of Dr. Khanna’s Path Care Pvt. Ltd. Delhi

CGHS Orders on suspension of empanelment of Dr. Khanna’s Path Care Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.

It has been decided to suspend empanelment of Dr. Khanna’s Path Care Pvt. Ltd. from CGHS for a period of three (3) months or till further orders whichever is earlier from the date of issue of this order.

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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Aadhaar Based Digital Life Certificate for Central Govt Pensioners

Aadhaar Based Digital Life Certificate for Central Govt Pensioners

Life Certificate for retired employees to be submitted in November every year.

Retired Central Government employees, pensioners and those drawing family pension will have to submit Life Certificates at the banks where they draw their pensions.

Until about a few years ago, pensioners had to go to their respective banks in order to withdraw their monthly pensions. Usually there would always be some clerical glitches or delays in distributing the pension funds causing immense hardship to the pensioners. In order to rectify this hurdle, the Government began distributing pension via ATM cards through their respective banks. Pensioners didn’t have to go to the banks anymore to collect their pensions. But, once every year, they are required to go to the banks in person, sign and withdraw the pensions.

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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

New List of CGHS Hospitals comes into effect from October 2014

New List of CGHS Hospitals comes into effect from October 2014

CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) is the complete medical treatment facility provided for Central Government Employees, Retired employees, and their dependents. CGHS provides service through following categories of Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurveda, Unani, Yoga, Sidha Systems. Instructions on these various matters have been issued from time to time for the guidance of this scheme by the Department of Health and Family Welfare.

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